Sunglasses and reading sunglasses are a must for any time of year. They protect your eyes from UV light and reduce the chance of conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration. They also reduce eyestrain when it’s bright outside, and they eliminate disorienting glare while driving. Plus, they help to shield your eyes from wind, rain, and flying debris.
Fancy, expensive sunglasses are great until you misplace them, lose them or sit on them! So it makes sense to have a few pair and they don’t have to be expensive. After trying dozens of sunglasses and specifically reading sunglasses. there are a few favoutites to recommend. Check out: Black/Torte 0046- https://magnishades.com.au/product/magnified-reading-sunglasses-0046-black-torte/ or the FOLD UP BLACK https://magnishades.com.au/product/magnified-reading-sunglasses-fold-up-black/ Both are great while sitting outside in a park, at the beach or anywhere the sun is out. There are many other styles also available at MagniShades.